Thursday 12 November 2015

London Riots Devised Piece (12)


Today was interesting...

We began this rehearsal by discussing what we needed to work on. One aspect of our performance we needed to work on was transitions. Another area for improvement was our confidence with the whole piece but mainly the first scene and its timing. Therefore we decided that we would do a full run through and stop at the transitions we were unsure on. However, during our opening scene there was an accident...

As Lewis fell down the stairs (intentionally as this WAS part of the performance) he fell differently and landed on my foot. Although it was obviously unintentional, this incident was a result of a lapse in concentration. Lewis was focusing on his fall and making it look realistic that he wasn't aware of his surroundings. Unfortunately, the rehearsal had to be paused as I had to go to A&E. I had an X-ray and found out I had broken my little toe. It was then cleaned and strapped up. I have been told that it will take two to three weeks for the bone to heal. There was also a lot of blood as my toe had also split open underneath (due to the pressure - a little bit like squashing a grape!).

Whenever I get an injury I always carry on if I can, however I could definitely not carry on with this run-through. Thankfully this was not our actual performance of the piece. If this was a live performance, there would be no way that I would be able to continue, so the piece would have had to be stopped. If the performance was the next day, I still would not have been able to do it, but they could have altered the piece to still make it work (basically, someone take my notes and perform the interview scene with Toby, and someone could watch the rehearsal video of the "emotional turmoil" scene to learn mine and Tom's duet).

As I am out of action for a little while, I shall keep my foot elevated as to decrease the healing time. Although I cannot walk or do any movements, I shall take part in the run-through by performing  my spoken scenes sitting down.


In this lesson we did a full walk through of our piece (although I was having to sit out, I still read my lines). We have now really improved our transitions, making our piece flow a lot better. We did this by having a top-tail run, so we did the beginning and end of every scene, so we focused on our transitions. By doing the start and end of each scene too, we got a clearer picture of when these transitions happen and in what order they are. We also decided what we are doing for costumes. The boys shall be wearing tracksuit bottoms, whilst Rhiannon and I will wear leggings. We shall all wear hoodies with a shirt and tie or blouse underneath. The hoodies will remain on for the entire piece until our transition from the consequences scene into the MP speech scene, when we shall remove the hoodies whilst walking backwards during the blackout. The hoodies will be thrown to the side.