Thursday 12 November 2015

Storytelling (8) (Greek Myths)

Today we performed our version of the Greek myth "Perseus and Medusa". Before we performed this we had to script the narration. We decided to set our piece in a museum, so the narrator would be a tour guide, whilst the audience were visitors to the museum exhibition. As our target age group was 10 year olds, we made sure that the script wasn't too gory and didn't have language that was too complicated for them to understand. Lewis was the tour guide, so to avoid Charlie and I just standing there watching the stop-motion video, we decided to be statues in the museum. Our first position was of Perseus and his mother. When the narration described a different part of the story containing different characters, Charlie and I changed to a different freeze frame. In total we did four different freeze frames. We tried to make our transitions as smooth as possible; we even used the Frantic Assembly technique of round-by-through for two of them.