Tuesday 20 October 2015

London Riots Devised Piece (9)

1) "ill Manors", Gorilla scene          2) Tom & Rhiannon (rioter)
3) Lew & Ashley (rioter)                 4) Emotional turmoil scene
5) Dan & Tom (police)                   6) Toby & Lorna (police)
7) Still images scene                    8) MP speeches
9) Gorilla scene, reprise


1.5)  Dan & Toby throw chair / Lew & Rhi tip table / Tom & Rhi sort tables & chairs
2.5)  Lew walk Ash on / Dan takes Rhi off / Tom goes SL
3.5)  Lew & Ash remove table / Toby chair SR / My chair to Dan / Go to start positions
4.5)  Tom on floor / Lew & Toby deal with table / Dan & Rhi move chairs / Everyone exit up
5.5)  Tom & Dan go to first positions for still images / Toby & I enter
6.5)  Toby & I move chairs to SR / Lew & Ash move table / Rhi walks to position
7.5)  No transition needed
8.5)  Go to positions (down) to start gorillas.


1) Start at top. Walk down. Sit on front desk facing audience. Walk to and sit on table. Transform to gorillas. Consecutive still images. Form a straight line. Walk forwards, threatening audience.
2) Tom is the police officer. Rhiannon is the rioter.
3) Lewis is the police officer. Ashley is the rioter.
4) Tom, Lewis, Toby and I enter and do our phrase. Ashley & Tom violent attack duet. Rhiannon & Tom manipulation duet. Lewis & Tom duet. Dan & Tom duet. Lorna & Tom duet. Toby & Tom violent duet.
5) Tom is the police officer. Dan is the psychiatrist.
6) Toby is the police officer. Lorna is the psychiatrist.
7) Tom & Lewis first (being arrested). Rhiannon & Lorna (support). Dan. Toby (homeless). Ashley.
8) Standing in one line. Haven't completed this scene
9) Same as scene one, but begin in performance space.