Sunday 14 February 2016

Commedia dell'arte (9)

In this lesson we had a complete change of idea. We have decided against our "Murder Mystery" idea as we felt it wasn't working. We felt that we were so focused on our storyline that we were not thinking about our characters enough; therefore our piece was becoming a story involving the stock characters of Commedia dell'arte as opposed to a Commedia dell'arte type of story. To rectify this (after doing a physical warm up as Commedia dell'arte characters are very physically demanding where we have to hold specific stances throughout the piece), we split off into groups and thought about our characters and devised a short scene each. Lewis (Pantalone), Robert (Il Capitano) and Charlie (Harlequin) wanted to go together, so Rhiannon (Columbina), James (Zanni), Oliver (Doctor) and I (Brighella) formed a group of four.

Our group of four decided that we shall work together to create a scene between Zanni and Columbina. We wanted to have a scene where Zanni is trying to impress Columbina (as Columbina is a very flirtatious character that we thought Zanni would probably fall for). We began by thinking of something that Columbina could be doing whilst Zanni is trying to impress her. We decided that she could hanging out the washing on the washing line as this is an outside location which would allow us to involve other characters later on coming out and getting in the scene. Our next step to creating our scene was thinking of things for Zanni to do to show that he was trying to impress Columbina, we came up with the following ideas: smelling his armpits, checking his breath, sorting his outfit and tidying his hair. We then discussed each idea in detail and what we would be able to do with them. Our two favourite ideas were Zanni with smelly armpits and him sorting his hair. With Zanni smelling his armpits, we could create a scene where he is planning exactly how he will speak to Columbina and how he will stand, and then she asks him to help her out and he then has to try and do the jobs she asks of him whilst keeping his arms down. This would have the potential to create a comical Lazzi. However, all though the armpit idea had potential, we much preferred the hair idea...

The four of us sat down and had a "what if" conversation. We began by saying "what if Zanni was trying to impress Columbina by making his hair tidier". The next comment was "what if he spat in his hands to tidy his hair", which then made me think of "Flint Street Nativity" when the Innkeeper used glue to tidy his hair for Mary. Therefore, my next comment was "what if Zanni used superglue to tidy his hair", which then lead to a lot more "what ifs", eventually creating our scene outline! The scene we created from this discussion is as follows (Z = Zanni; C = Columbina):
  • Z spots C pegging out the washing on the washing line
  • Z uses superglue (which he thinks is hair gel) to slick his hair back
  • Z runs his hands through his hair and one hand gets stuck to his head
  • C notices Z and smiles, when she turns her back Z struggles in attempt to get his hand free
  • C turns round and Z poses as if nothing is wrong. Then putting the other hand on his head to show off his muscles, which he kisses. C turns back around and Z realises both hands are now stuck to his head. He struggles so much he ends on the floor
  • C looks at Z, who is now doing sit-ups to pretend nothing is wrong
  • C laughs realising something is wrong. She finds the superglue and questions Z
  • C then ties to pull Z's hands off of his head. She succeeds but ends with her hand stuck to his head
 Once we had devised this scene by using improvisation and forum theatre, we then thought of how we could include other characters and what we could add to the piece. We decided to include the Doctor (D):
  • D enters to find C's hand stuck to Z's head. C asks D for help (he rambles and finally helps).
  • D removes C's hand from Z's head. He pats C on the shoulder as to say no problem, resulting in D's hand getting stuck to C's shoulder. 
  • Z hugs C's leg to say thank you, resulting in his hand being stuck to C's leg.
We called the other group in to have a look at what we had done, having been told that they had not made a scene but instead done a lot of research on their characters to help them devise the next lesson. They said they thought the scene was very clever as it helped the audience understand the characters better, and was very comical - true to the Commedia dell'arte style. As we had more time left, we decided to add another character into the scene. The character we decided to include was Il Capitano (IC). Our scene outline as it stands now is as follows:
  • IC enters and demands that D lets go of C or he will attack D 
  • D demands that he shall need another minute (which is not the best thing to say when he has his and on C's shoulder who is bent over trying to get Z off of her). D, C and Z are all moaning and groaning, and then realise what this must look like, so the three of them look at the audience and then at IC who is livid.
  • IC runs at D as if to attack. IC lunges forwards with his swords several times narrowly missing D as D, C and Z work together to try and avoid IC's sword.
We didn't get any further this lesson as we ran out of time, but we shall run this scene again next lesson and add more to it as well. Hopefully we will be able to use our masks too as this lesson they were having the holes drilled in to them ready for the string to be attached.