Thursday 11 February 2016

Devised Unit - Chasing Pavements (14) (Script work)

Today we spoke to Katya about our idea of having a scene either just before or just after the game show. We then came up with a conclusion: why not have a small section before and after the show?! We decided that we would all write the "before the show" section together. Our aim of this section before the main scene is to intrigue the audience and increase the tension levels. We also wanted to show a contrast between mine and Ollie's character onstage and offstage. By having this section end with Kat and Rob's characters having an argument, makes Robert's breakdown onstage confuse the audience as they are left unsure if Rob's character came round to Kat's way of thinking and was part of a plan, or if he genuinely broke down onstage.

We read through our new scene a couple of times to get used to our characters offstage and then eventually read this scene straight into the actual game show scene. I felt a lot happier with my character when we did this as I feel I have improved my characterisation by making my character profile, as I understand my character better. We didn't block the scene today so I didn't get to explore my character's movement, but I have decided to make my voice sound more patronising by raising my pitch and elongating vowel sounds to belittle the contestants in the show.

Next lesson, we shall write a script for a "behind the scenes" section after the game show. To be able to do this we had to decide whether our game show was live or recorded first. If we were to pretend our game show was recorded then Ollie and I could get obviously frustrated and stop Robert's character once he had finished and then demanded we did another take. However, if we pretended our game show was live then we wouldn't be able to do this and would instead jump to an ad break instead. We eventually decided the our game show would be live as it creates more tension (as there is more pressure on the contestants) and also our piece is actually in front of a real live audience, and so our game show is technically in front of a real live audience too, so we thought we could use this to our advantage. Having decided that our game show would be live, we can begin writing the next section of our script next lesson.