Friday 26 February 2016

Devised Unit - Chasing Pavements (17) (Runs)

26/02/16 Today we stuck to our rehearsal schedule and managed to complete our second "behind the scene's" script, as well as managing to stage it as well. We wanted to script this scene in a way that it would make the audience feel uncomfortable and uneasy - therefore we decided to be vague when mentioning the "manager" so we didn't give any information about them to allow the audience to use their imaginations (as our piece is aiming to make the audience think throughout it).We then staged this scene (which didn't take very long at all as we wanted to keep this scene very simple and not move much at all as to create more tension). Next lesson we shall run the game show scene in its entirety a couple of times to polish it. We shall film it as well so we can look back over it to decide if we want to change anything. We shall also run everything else as well to keep it fresh in our minds.

01/03/16 Today we ran everything that we had so far and filmed the game show scene in its entirety. We thought this was needed so we can look back at it and see what we needed to improve. On the right is the video of the game show with both of the "behind the scenes" sections either side. Obviously one of our first steps to getting this scene to where we want it to be is for all of us to learn our lines so we don't need our scripts - thus enabling us to move more freely and focus on our characterisation more. Also, we will have a voice-over recording for the following lines: "this is your five minute call", "and 5, 4, 3, 2, 1" and "and we're off" (the last line being an additional line we shall add between Ollie saying that we shall have an ad-break and our last scene that makes up the game show - I feel this is needed to make the change between Ollie and I on stage and off stage more clear). Another thing we need to improve is our staging; we felt this scene was a bit static so we shall develop our movement. We also need to actually make the boxes, rather than just using Ollie's journal as a stand in prop! Finally, we shall be adding music and costume to this scene at some point, a little bit nearer the time.

03/03/16 This lesson we ran absolutely everything and timed everything too. We timed our main scenes and then also timed what was going to become our motif: the beginning of our Chasing Pavements movement section up until the press-up. To show either going back in time or to use in the "possibilities" scene we had discussed in our earlier lessons, we could take them same section but perform it in reverse. We had to run through this a few times to understand what we were doing and also to polish it as well. We did discuss playing the track in reverse but decided against this as the vocals and track just sounds messy - we thought that having just the movement in reverse was enough and looked and sounded tidier. Not including the reverse dance section, so far our piece is just under the fifteen minute minimum time limit. However, once we have added the reverse dance scene, our party scene and maybe our "possibilities" scene if we feel like we need it, we will definitely go over the fifteen minute mark. Although we didn't get round to getting up and devising our party scene we did manage to come up with some ideas for it. The notes we made for our party scene are as follows:
   - music
   - movement / slow-motion
   - narration / story-telling
   - contrast between narration and movement
   - sound effects
Although we didn't get to devise anything for our party scene yet as we spent a lot of time polishing and timing sections, I felt this was a better use of time as we needed to know how long our piece is so far (as to know if we are on track) and so we can have our scenes even stronger by the time we perform.