Sunday 14 February 2016

Devised Unit - Chasing Pavements (15) (Movement)

In this lesson we weren't going to add any more to our piece as we were supposed to be watching the Nation Theatre Live performance version of "Frankenstein" all lesson instead to give us inspiration and an idea of different techniques we could use; however, we had some technical difficulties with the video which delayed the start, so to make use of time we decided to add more to our piece instead. As we didn't know how long we would have, we decided we wouldn't add any more on to the game show scene and instead decided to run our sound scape again. We went over the movement as well as the sound but couldn't add more on to it as we didn't know what to do with it next, so we left it and will come back to it at another stage. Instead we began creating another little movement section to show the abortion. Our movement section outline (and the reasons for each stage) is shown below [K = Katya, L = Lorna, O = Ollie, R = Robert]:
  • L standing in front of R, with R holding L's stomach. K standing next to L with O behind, holding K's stomach -- Both girls are pregnant. They stand together to protect each other.
  • L and K face each other. They put their right hand on the others left shoulder forming a cross -- Shows support and strength in numbers.
  • L and K touch hands -- Again, to show support and suggest that what they are doing is right.
  • Both L and K and push R and O's hands of their stomachs and turn around -- They do not need the men and want them to leave them alone. They want to "turn" back the clock and start a fresh.
  • L and K run forward but are stopped by R and O who pull them back -- You can't just run away from your problems.
 At this point, we were told that the film was working so we watched the film for the remainder of the lesson. Next lesson, we shall discuss what techniques we liked from "Frankenstein" and shall also continue developing our movement scene (and hopefully run and stage our game show scene so far as well).