Thursday 4 February 2016

Devised Unit - Chasing Pavements (12) (Prop design // Staging)


This lesson we were missing Ollie again so decided to continue with our script writing and began "box designing". The boxes are for our Game show of "Keep or no Keep". We are planning on getting hold of three boxes and painting them red, to look like the boxes on the television game show "Deal or no Deal". We would also like to have tabs on the boxes which we have to pull to open them; however, we have to be careful when designing and making these as we need to ensure that we can open the boxes easily enough still. Haven written the numbers of the boxes we were going to include in our script, I decided to get three pieces of paper and paint a different number on each in red (copying them from images on line to look like the numbers on the boxes on the actual show). I then decided to outline the numbers in thick black pen to make the edges neater and to ensure they were as clear as they could be. Whilst Rob and I were designing and beginning to make the boxes, Katya continued with script writing. Hopefully Ollie will be in next lesson so we can read through this scene and begin staging it next lesson.


This lesson we got our scene up on its feet! We began this lesson by just reading through the scene together and thinking about how we would play our characters. We then read through the scene a couple of times swapping characters each time. This exercise was useful as we could see how other people would play our individual roles. I particularly liked the way that Robert made my character a bit patronising and sarcastic at the same time, making everybody else feel uneasy as they don't know how to take this character. Therefore, I have decided to take his patronising approach as I want the audience to feel uneasy about the topic and the way it is being presented. In this scene, Ollie and I will always be over-the-top for the camera (always by each other's side), Katya shall be a little bit theatrical (as if she is reluctantly abiding by our conditions on how to behave on TV), whilst Rob shall be completely blunt and uncomfortable (and doesn't cooperate with our TV conditions, frustrating my character who tries not to let her anger show).

Although we were happy with the way we staged it, I decided I wanted to try something out... to show that Kat and I are the same people and Rob is therefore my boyfriend as well as Kat's, I thought that when I introduce "myself and my boyfriend" out on to the set that Kat and I could mirror each other with a gesture (like tucking our hair behind our ear or adjusting a piece of clothing) whilst Rob and I would then hug. We thought this idea looked interesting but we need to make this clearer. Despite this scene being effective at creating our intended effects on the audience, we are going to adapt the script a little bit by adding more to the beginning of the scene (as if they were getting ready to start filming the show - our inspiration for this section came from the section of "Ten Tiny Fingers" posted one of my previous blog posts). Next lesson we shall write this part of the script and continue building our characters by making character profiles for this scene.