Thursday 25 February 2016

Devised Unit - Chasing Pavements (16) (Run // Movement)

23/02/16 In this lesson we ran through all of our scenes so far. We began with the movement section (intercourse) and then went straight into the scripted scene between the best friends. As we haven't done this for a little while, this scene wasn't as smooth as it used to be so we spent a little while making this cleaner. Our dialogue section was fine so we didn't need to spend much time going over it. The next thing we went over was the scene before the game show and then the game show itself. Our main focus when running through this was to perfect our blocking of this scene. We wanted to work on our character's movements and body language. Mine and Ollie's characters in this scene needed to be so inseparable that they were intimidating and false, whilst Kat and Rob's characters had to be very realistic. We decided that we would like to include a scene after the game show to show the two presenters and the two contestants behind the scenes.

However, we thought we would save writing this scene until next lesson as we were in a very practical mood. Therefore, we recorded our sound scape for the abortion clinic instead. We had to think of what noises we could include, and eventually decided on a heart monitor, a heartbeat, someone breathing and a calming voice. We ended our sound scape with one elongated "beep". Although we thought this might not work as that is the sound at a hospital when a person died, we decided this would work as it is the foetus that dies. We then decided to begin developing a movement section to go with the sound scape, so the audience had something to watch whilst listening to the sound scape. However, we didn't finish this movement section this lesson, so we made a plan to complete it next lesson.

25/02/16 Today's lesson was spent completing and polishing our movement section for our sound scape and also we began writing our "behind the scene's" section after our game show scene. We began this lesson by making a rehearsal schedule to ensure we achieve everything we wish to achieve with plenty of time to spare before the performance. We intend to stick to this schedule as best as we can (as we made the schedule together carefully considering what we do on each day, as to try and make best use of our time).

The movement piece now looks really effective. It took us quite a while to polish it and get it to the standard we wanted but we are finally there now. We wanted to ensure our timing was correct and that all movements flowed smoothly into each other, as well as ensuring we got the message across that we wanted to. We wanted every movement that Kat and I do together to be in unison to represent us being the same person. To ensure that the audience understood this, when we face each other we both mirrored each other by tidying our hair. This "mirror" section also aims to present that our character is trying her best to put on a brave face although she is struggling inside. The fast movements of pushing away suggests that our character feels uncomfortable and is extremely distressed. She eventually hugs her best friend (so we ensured I was partners with Rob and Kat was partners with Ollie to match the conversation scene earlier), who has been standing back just watching and waiting the whole time, to show she is grateful for their presence. Although Kat and I are supposed to be the same person in this scene, we decided we would end with a hug to show that at the end of the day it is her decision to have the abortion. As a group of people who are against abortions (unless it will save the baby or mother suffering severely - mentally or physically) we found this scene quite challenging but are  happy with it as we hope to raise awareness and make our audience think about the topic and maybe even challenge their own views.