Friday 26 February 2016

Storytelling (20) (The Snow Queen)

In this lesson we ran through every scene in order to work out what we still had left to do to improve. Below are the scene numbers and what we have left to do as a group...
  1. (Lorna) Record narration. Get masks and practice with them. 
  2. (James) Run the scene with the sheet up and film so we can see what it looks like. Run now we have cut more out. Get music to repeat itself.
  3. (Lewis) Record narration. Make placards. Run for Rhiannon's sake as she has only done this scene once.
  4. (Robert) Cut down then run again to alter movement.
  5. (Rhiannon) Go over the movement to ensure it is neat.
  6. (Charlie) Read lines with more expression. Add movement in.
  7. (Oliver) Try the scene with the projection and lighting.

Below is what I personally need to do for each scene...
  1. (Lorna) Record narration and perhaps find music to play underneath the narration. Get masks.
  2. (James
  3. (Lewis
  4. (Robert) Learn my lines (though not much point until I know what Rob is cutting).
  5. (Rhiannon) Learn my lines.
  6. (Charlie) Learn my lines and movement.
  7. (Oliver)

Next lesson we aim to tick as many things off of our lists as we can. Hopefully everyone would have recorded their narration by then so we can focus on group work, as opposed to things we could do individually. Moreover, we would like to be off of scripts as much as we can, but our main focus is to tidy the piece in general.