Thursday 15 September 2016

Auditions (5) - Monologue research

Classical Monologue:
  • Play: Othello
  • Playwright: William Shakespeare
  • Character: Emilia
  • Approx age: 20 - 30
  • Additional info: Married to Iago (marriage made in Hell) // Maid to Desdemona (knows the ins and outs with her marriage to Othello and how she is treated) // Is talking to Desdemona in the monologue
  • Before this monologue: Desdemona has been set to bed by Othello and he has completely disregarded her.
  • Themes of monologue: Feminism, confusion, desires and relationships
  • Link:

Contemporary Monologue: 
  • Play: Assassins
  • Playwright: John Weidman
  • Character: Lynette Fromme
  • Age: 27
  • Additional info: Middle-class upbringing // Met Charlie when she was 19 // Criminal // Commits crime to get Charlie to be called as a Witness where he can use this opportunity to deliver his speech to the world.
  • Where  they're from: Los Angeles
  • Themes of monologue: Love, family and addiction
  • Link:

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