Wednesday 28 September 2016

Musical Theatre (3) - Character Profile

  • Lawyer -- trained at Ivy-League University. Public interest Lawyer.
  • Lesbian -- falls in love Maureen.
  • Complicated relationship with Maureen -- Has trust issues, and rightly so. Maureen is very flirtatious and has cheated in the past ("She cheated. Maureen cheated. I'm defeated I should give up right now. I'd fall for her still anyhow" - some lyrics from "Tango: Maureen").
  • Parents loving but not supportive -- Parents are loving in the fact that they care for her and they refer to her as "Kitten" (in "Voice Mail #2"). They do not support her choice in partner or dress sense, telling her to wear a dress, not wear Doc Martin's and to come alone to her mother's hearing (also from "Voice Mail #2").
  • Forgiving -- In "Take Me or Leave Me", Maureen and Joanne's relationship is on the brink, but she is willing to try again if Maureen is willing to "take it back".
  • Organised -- Keeps everything in order. "I look before I leap. I love margins and discipline. I make lists in my sleep" (as she says in "Take Me or Leave Me").
  • Masculine one out of the pair -- She wears the trousers. Typically wears suits.
  • More submissive -- Does everything Maureen asks of her.
  • Gets on with pretty much everybody -- Apart from Maureen, she has no major conflicts with anyone.
  • Parents have important professional jobs -- One is awaiting confirmation to become a judge, whilst the other is a government official.
  • Paranoid -- Always worried that Maureen is going to cheat on her.
  • Committed -- Just wants commitment from Maureen. "Never quit, I see it through" (she sings also in "Take Me Or Leave Me").
 Below is a character relationship map I have made - it shows the relationship between Joanne and the main characters, and the relationships happening around her. The green lines show pretty happy relationships, red and green show this it is a little bit shaky, whilst the red line shows that it is not brilliant.

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