Tuesday 13 September 2016

AAS (3) - Victorian & "An Inspector Calls"

To begin this lesson we created a timeline of the history of theatre:
  • 500BC - Ancient Greek
  • Roman
  • Medieval
  • Elizabethan / Jacobean
  • Black hole of theatre - Puritans arrive and destroy theatre
  • Restoration
  • Victorian / Edwardians
  • Post-war
  • 2016 - Contemporary
Below are the notes I made from our discussion on Victorian theatre:
  • Took back control of the theatre. Made it more refined and civilised.
  • They built proper indoor theatres, with curtains, fixed seats and (due to the invention of electricity) lights.
  • Three main playwrights at this time were Oscar Wilde, George Bernard Shaw and J.B Priestley
  • They had variety acts at this time - magicians, opera singers and circus acts
  • Music Hall was invented at this time - http://lornaclarkra.blogspot.co.uk/2016/06/individual-unit-3-music-hall-research.html (link to my blog on Music Hall from my Special Subject Investigation unit)
  • Victorian Melodrama - heightened naturalism (modern example is "Woman in Black")

After learning about Victorian Theatre, we were then split into two groups and each given a section of script from "An Inspector Calls". We learned this synopsis of the play so we knew the context of the play. My group was given the opening scene to the play. In this scene the family have just had dinner and are celebrating the engagement of Shelia and Gerald. We began by casting our play and working out the relationships between the characters. Arthur Birling (Lewis) and Sybil Birling (me) are married and have two children, Shelia (Kat) and Eric (James). Gerald Croft (Ollie Marshal) is engaged to Shelia. We then did a read through of the scene and then began staging it.

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