Thursday 22 September 2016

Musical Theatre (1) - Rent research

Today Lewis and I found out that we will actually be doing a Musical Theatre Unit. As we are ahead of Charlie and Oliver on the Triple course (as they only started at the beginning of this year), we have been asked to join with the Year 12 double class, for their production of Rent. I am really excited to be doing another production of Rent, as it is one of my favourite musicals.

General Information:
  • Lyricist & composer = Jonathon Larson
  • Rock musical loosely based on the opera "La Bohème" byPuccini
  • Set in the 90s in New York
  • Most characters have AIDS
  • Mark Cohen -- Roger's roommate // Recently been dumped by Maureen // Struggling filmmaker
  • Roger Davis -- Mark's roommate // Girlfriend (April) committed suicide after finding out she has HIV-positive // struggling musician and songwriter // Dates Mimi // Has AIDS
  • Mimi Márquez -- Dancer at the Cat Scratch Club // Has AIDS // Dates Roger // Drug addict // Almost dies towards the end but pulls through
  • Tom Collins -- Has AIDS // Anarchist professor // Dates Angel // Former roommate of Roger and Mark (and Maureen and Benny)
  • Angel Dumott Schunard -- Has AIDS // Street percussionist // Transgender // Dates Collins // Dies
  • Maureen Johnson -- Possibly has AIDS // Ex-girlfriend of Mark // Dates Joanne // Flirtatious and a cheat // Performance artist // Hosts a protest
  • Joanne Jefferson -- Lawyer // Lesbian // Dates Maureen // Organised // Powerful parents
  • Benjamin "Benny" Coffin III -- Former roommate of Roger and Mark (and Maureen and Collins) // Was in a relationship with Mimi // Married to Allison Grey (who's part of a wealthy family involved in real estate) // Landlord
  • Mrs Cohen -- Mark's mum // Very mothering and over-caring // Leaves multiple voicemail messages
  • Alexi Darling -- Producer of "Buzzline" (a "sleazy tabloid company")
  • Mr and Mrs Jefferson -- Joanne's parents // One awaiting confirmation to be a Judge, the other is a government official
  • Mrs Davis -- Roger's mum, who leaves a voicemail saying she is confused and doesn't know where Roger is ("Roger, where are you?")
  • Mrs Márquez -- Mimi's Spanish mother, who leaves a voicemail saying she is confused and doesn't know where Mimi is
  • Mr Grey -- Benny's father-in-law // Wants to buy out the lot
  • The Man -- A drug-dealer // Roger used to buy from him // Mimi's dealer
  • Life Support Members -- Paul // Gordon // Ali // Steve // Sue // Pam
  • The Waiter -- Waiter at the Life Café
  • Homeless Woman -- Also known as "Woman with the bags" // Angered by Mark filming her
  • Squeegee Man -- Homeless man who chants "Honest Living"
  • The Preacher -- Kicks Collins out of the church as he can't afford Angel's funeral 
 Musical Numbers:

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