Monday 11 January 2016

Commedia dell'arte (3)

Today we presented what we had learned about our characters to the rest of the class. After learning about all of the characters individually we worked out the relationships between every character:
     1ST ACTOR loves 1ST ACTRESS
     1ST ACTRESS loves 1ST ACTOR and fancies BRIGHELLA
     HARLEQUIN is brother and servant to BRIGHELLA
     DOCTOR and PANTALONE are neighbours
     DOCTOR / PANTALONE are fathers of 1ST ACTOR / 1ST ACTRESS
     ZANNI is servant to BRIGHELLA who is servant to DOCTOR and PANTALONE
     COLUMBINA is servant to DOCTOR and PANTALONE and is above BRIG & HARL

After establishing these relationships, we began thinking of ideas for possible plots. As we were all quite surprised that Brighella was willing to kill people we had the idea of murder. James then thought of taking on a murder mystery approach. We then sat down and discussed who would kill who! As Harlequin is a very annoying character we decided that we could kill him off as he would give people motives to kill him. Brighella would be suspected to kill him (as Brighella is willing to kill people who aggravate him) so we decided that he should not be the murderer. We also thought that the Doctor could possibly kill him with medicines he had created but again we thought this would be suspected. Therefore we decided that we shall have Zanni be the murderer. This is because Zanni is one of the least suspected characters to kill. We would try to make the audience feel sorry for and also like Zanni throughout the piece and therefore make the audience suspect him the least.