Sunday 10 January 2016

Devised Unit - Chasing Pavements (3) (Soundscape // Movement)

Although we really like our first idea, as we can see the potential and have some ideas on what we want to do with it, we decided to try a different idea from our mind map to see what we could do with that and if we preferred it once we brought the idea to life. The idea we decided to focus on was domestic violence - although we were thinking of incorporating this in to our piece anyway, we thought to explore this topic on its own. We decided to separate it from alcohol abuse and other topics to allow us to focus purely on domestic violence - what it is, who it happens to, the outcomes, etc.

Kat also takes psychology as a subject so she was already very knowledgable on the topic. She shared with us a revision poster she had done on domestic violence. It explains the definition, the causes, the effects and statistics. We decided we would create a small piece to explore what we had learned and use of a variety of different techniques we wished to include. Below is what we created:
The techniques that we explored during this piece were as follow:
-   a soundscape (to create a sense of confusion and tension)
-   narration (to educate the audience on the facts and statistics)
-   physical theatre (to support the narration and to entertain)
-   slow motion (to make the hair pulling section more intense (and less risky))

We liked the idea of using a soundscape; we thought this was quite effective to begin with becuase it intrigues the audience as they have no idea what is happening and it builds tension. We thought narration was good to include as it educates the audience but we did feel that the our piece ended up a little bit like an advert as it was all facts and statistics! Ollie and I love doing physical theatre and in rehearsals it was very effective. However, when we performed it in this video, our duet was improvised towards the end as we got confused with what direction we were facing as we hadn't rehearsed with the audience in mind.