Sunday 17 January 2016

Devised Unit - Chasing Pavements (6) (Movement // Opinions)

Having discussed what techniques we would like to include and what ideas we would like to explore, we had a practical lesson developing what we had devised/choreographed in the second lesson of this unit. I brought up the idea that I had went we first created this movement section: of Ollie and I continuing the dance, whilst Kat and Rob stopped and discussed the result of her pregnancy test. Therefore whilst Ollie and I choreographed more of the dance section, Kat and Rob began to script this section; however, they were struggling to do so without making it cheesy or typical. I then suggested that they could either speak in third person or state what the other person said to them using reporting clauses. However, they were still struggling with this section so they decided to create a floor-based movement section instead. To ensure this floor section was visible, Ollie and I found a way we could both travel around them and to the back. Once Ollie and I got behind them, we froze for a couple of bars as to not distract the audience from them. We then joined in with the action again with fluid but explosive dynamics to represent the thoughts and feelings flowing but being very strong. We ended this section by going separate ways to foreshadow the end of their discussion. (At the end of the video Ollie got a bit confused on the choreography as he had just learned it and it was our first run)

We decided to have a break from dancing so we sat down and had a discussion on our views of abortion. To begin this discussion, I explained what I had learned from doing my research. When doing the actual research itself I found some horrible images that I felt I couldn't put on the blog as they are too graphic and disturbing. To sum up our discussion we are all against abortions (in almost all cases). The only times which we would be more accepting if a woman chose to have an abortion would be if it put her or the baby's life in danger or if the pregnancy was the result of rape.