Tuesday 26 January 2016

Devised Unit - Chasing Pavements (9) (Movement // Soundscape)

In this lesson we ran the dance phrase and the scripted scene. We also tried to make a clean transition between the two. We had to recap the scene a couple of times to get the timing right and to nail our characterisation. The dance section had to be performed a couple of times to get the timing right on this too. However, once we were happy with the dance and the scene, we performed them both together again. We then decided to create something new. One of the techniques that we thought worked effectively that we could include was a soundscape. We then thought of when a soundscape would be appropriate in our piece and decided that in a hospital or an abortion clinic would work. We then thought of what sounds you would hear at these places and came up with a heart monitor sound, a clock ticking, footsteps, a heartbeat, and a baby crying. We then made these noises and quickly realised that we were going to need a sound effect of a baby crying as none of us could make this noise sound convincing! We then decided to put some movement to it to make it look more interesting. This was just a little bit of an experiment. We decided to stand in a straight line and move in a square shape, swapping positions with the person next to us.

We soon realised that our piece is very movement based at the moment and actually need to do some straight acting! Therefore we stopped making a soundscape for the time being, and quickly went over the dance into the scene and filmed it (the video was not at all professional as it was just for us to see what it was looking like - hence why Ollie ran across the room to turn the music off). After watching the video, we then realised that we forgot to stage it how we did before (with both pairs in different corners). However, we have decided to change the staging now anyway. We shall make sure that Ollie and I do our first dance break behind Rob and Kat to ensure that they are visible (as they are on a low level, whilst Ollie and I are standing). We will therefore have to alter mine and Ollie's duet a little bit as there will then be no need for us to run round to the back (as we will already be there!). Moreover, we decided that we want more of a duet between Rob and Kat because they go from being in love in the dance scene straight to the scene where they are having difficulties.

Rob and Kat shall work out this section next lesson, whilst Ollie and I shall sort out our duet section. Then we shall move on to a completely different scene (with dialogue as our piece is to movement based at the moment).