Thursday 7 January 2016

Devised Unit - Chasing Pavements (2) (Movement)

Today we continued developing ideas for our devised piece. We discussed what techniques we wanted to include in our piece and what we could involve. We decided that we wanted the party to be held by Ollie's character and in this scene we shall have music and all dance, but then we shall dance in slow motion and the music will become distorted and slow down (which I will sort when we decided what track we shall use), which will show the alcohol taking over and really effecting us. We also decided that we want to include multiple flashbacks, a motif and split screens. I also thought we could try out this idea of clicking to pause the action (then the person who clicked can speak directly to the audience) and then clicking again to continue the action.

Kat thought that her and I could represent the same person, and could use split screening to present different outcomes to different choices. She also suggested that when the "real" pregnant girl is speaking the piece should be realistic, whilst when the "imaginary" pregnant girl is there the piece could be non-naturalistic.

We decided to create a short movement phrase to portray the love making section. Although we may not all do this phrase at the same time we thought we might as well all learn it as we could repeat this later. Kat created the section standing up whilst I choreographed the floor section. I didn't realise how far away my body was from Ollie on the push up until I saw the video, therefore next time I shall lower my bum a bit so my body is in a straighter line and so is closer to Ollie.

Since making this video I have come up with an idea which I will bring to the group next lesson. I thought of having this phrase be used as a motif, but never repeating the whole thing exactly the same. I have thought of more movements to add on to the dance, which I thought just Ollie and I could continue doing (as we are both dancers) whilst Rob and Kat stop and leave. The dance would eventually finish and we would leave whilst Kat comes in and sits on the floor with a positive pregnancy test in hand then Rob walks in and sees - he is livid with her. She could have told him that she took the pill but it didn't work due to her throwing up after consuming too much alcohol. At this point Ollie and I could come back in and have another dance but this time presenting domestic violence, whilst Kat and Rob could either have an argument or could watch the dance and narrate their character's feeling over the top.