Thursday 21 January 2016

Devised Unit - Chasing Pavements (7) (Dialogue)

As our previous lessons have been movement based, we decided to start working with dialogue. We decided to think of a scene which we wanted strong dialogue for - I then thought of a conversation (duologue) between the pregnant girl and her best friend. We wanted this scene to be quite hard hitting so we want to have gritty dialogue. We thought that Kat and I could be the same person throughout the piece and Ollie and Rob being the same person throughout the piece. However, the relationships couples would be Kat & Robert and Ollie & I; whilst the best friend pairs would be Kat & Ollie and Robert & I. We tried out having Kat telling Ollie what she wished telling him would be like, whilst Robert and I mimed what she was saying. However we felt that this was a little bit cliche so we decided to change it. We then thought about cross-cutting and the views and opinions of both Kat/my character and Rob/Ollie's character.

Ollie and Kat improvised their conversation, whilst Rob and I made notes on what we thought should/could be altered. Although they were trying to think of how they would act towards a friend telling them they were pregnant, it became quite false as they were thinking too far into it. Therefore, Rob and I told them to actually pretend Kat was pregnant. As Ollie and Kat are actually close friends anyway, the whole scene became more believable as they were talking to each other as they would normally. We also decided to put in a little bit of comedy (with Ollie asking where she had her "cheeky little shag", and if it was in his bed or not) before Kat revealed that she was pregnant and was going to have an abortion. By having a little bit of comedy before revealing her news, makes the news more shocking and unexpected.

Kat's character finds the situation not too serious, as she sees abortion as a solution to the pregnancy being unwanted. However, Rob's character is deeply in love with Kat's character and believes he deserves a say in the matter as he is against abortion and wants to keep the baby. Currently, we are in the process of writing a script (as this would ensure our dialogue is suitable and well crafted) which would jump between the two conversations.