Thursday 7 January 2016

Storytelling (14) (The Snow Queen)

This lesson we continued working on the second scene. Firstly we ran the dance section with me, Lewis, Charlie and Oliver. We timed this with the music and narration. However, we found that we needed to finish this dance section earlier as the narration has already cued the Snow Queen. Therefore, so we didn't have to cut any of our dance, I decided to alter the section after we sit cross-legged on the floor facing each other; I decided to make this section in unison instead of in cannon because this shortens the overall time of the dance and thus allows the Snow Queen to enter in time.

The next thing we did was develop the Snow Queen's entrance. At this point, Oliver and Charlie are behind the sheet, Lewis and I are in front of the sheet, whilst Robert and Rhiannon are off stage / not in the light. Oliver and Charlie lift the curtain to allow Rhiannon to walk forwards from behind the sheet to in front of the screen. Oliver and Charlie then let the sheet down and walk to the sides; all the while, Lewis and I have done a short floor sequence to fit the narration. To finish our sequence Lewis and I roll off to the sides and Rhiannon also exits.

The next section involves Kay looking at a picture book (Lewis sits on the floor) which is "full of beasts". For this line Oliver, Charlie, Robert and I create a silhouette of a mammoth. To do this, Charlie and Robert stand next to each other, representing the legs of the mammoth. They have their outer arm out to the side with elbows down and hands up to represent the tusks of the mammoth. The trunk is represented by Charlie swinging his other arm to the side and then Robert continuing the swing by swinging his arm to the other side. We needed them to swing their arm to the side as to create an outline. As this is a silhouette, we had to focus on the outline of the shape as opposed to the actual look. To get the head and height of the mammoth, Oliver stands just behind Robert and Charlie with me on his back (to give extra height).

After this the narration describes Kay getting glass in his eye and seeing everything as ugly. He kicks over roses after talking to Gerda and he pushes her aside. Lewis and I are in front of the sheet whilst everyone else is behind. Everyone forms random ugly shapes to portray how Kay sees the flowers. As he "kicks" them over everyone falls to the floor. Lewis then pushes me and we both run off the stage. Next, the picture book is mentioned again, so we form the mammoth silhouette again but this time it is deformed, so Charlie stands stage left in his same posture, Robert stands stage right in his same position, and Oliver and I remain exactly where we were.

The next part is Kay mimicking people - for this Lewis manipulates Robert by Robert acting like a puppet on strings with Lewis controlling his strings. Robert is then dismissed and exits and then a similar section happens with Lewis and I. However, our duet is a little more aggressive and violent. Our duet ends with me falling to the floor and doing a backwards roll to exit.

Later there is a boy on a sledge so a small lift was created with Robert being lifted to portray this. At this point we ran out of time so didn't manage to get any further this lesson. However, next lesson we aim to complete this scene and do a full run through so far on the first three scenes (and put Rhiannon in to the third scene as she was absent for this lesson).