Monday 18 January 2016

Commedia dell'arte (4)

To begin this lesson we looked back at our paperwork from the previous lesson, which established relationships between characters and our idea of killing Harlequin in a mystery theme. We knew that we wanted Zanni to kill Harlequin, as the audience wouldn't suspect this character, but we didn't know how he would kill him. We knew we wanted him to do it by accident, but we had to think of a logical and believable way of him doing this. We thought of places they would both be; as they are both servants we decided they could be in the kitchen. Next, we worked out what items there are in the kitchen that could kill him: knives, microwaves, ovens, cleaning products, out-of-date food and toasters. We decided against microwaves and toasters as we haven't decided on what era we would like our piece to be set, and these items would limit us to modern day only. We then rejected the idea of knives and cleaning products as they are too typical. We were then stuck between out-of-date food and an oven. We finally decided to go for an oven (inspired by "Hansel and Gretel") as we thought Zanni could accidentally push Harlequin in the oven as Zanni runs past. Harlequin could have been so near the oven as he was trying to get some food and so was trying to work out how the oven works (as he is a character who is always hungry and is also very stupid).  Also, if we chose to go for a modern day period then we could have a modern oven, but if we wanted a Victorian era then we could have an open fire oven. Afterwards we discussed structure and language. 

On the left is my design for my mask. I copied this outline and shape of the mask from an image I found whilst doing research, as I felt this shape portrayed Brighella's characteristics quite well. I feel that one raised eyebrow shows intrigue and suggests that the character is inquisitive; this is true for Brighella as he always looks into a situation to see what is in it for him. Also, the raised eyebrow could show his cunning side, and that he is always plotting. The wrinkles in the forehead could suggest stress from where he has a tough job being the "master of servants and the servant of masters" and trying to get Harlequin to do his job! I decided to use a different colour for either half of the mask to show that Brighella is two-faced (as he uses other people and situations to benefit him). I decided to use green for once side to symbolise jealousy and evil. I have used pink for the other side to show that he is a womaniser and also to have a false sense of honesty. I symbolise pink with youth and honesty, and the fact that Brighella has neither of these characteristics shows that you should not trust him and he is manipulative.