Friday 22 January 2016

Devised Unit - Chasing Pavements (8) (Script work)

Today we completed our script for the confessions scene. We have the two duologues overlapping; whilst one pair is speaking, the other pair is in mime. Kat's character sees abortion as a solution to an unwanted pregnancy, whilst Rob's character is completely against abortions and finds the whole matter entirely serious (and rightly so). Once we had written this script, we did a read through; however, as we were focussing on our lines we were not in character. We then read through the script again but this time in character. Unfortunately, at this time, we felt the scene was a little bit flat so we separated the dialogue again (to form two conversations - one between Ollie and Kat, and the other between Robert and I) and read through it. However, we did actually prefer the integrated version as we thought this was an interesting style of writing (which we got inspiration for from the play "Flint Street Nativity" as the playwright jumps between conversations between different characters). We then decided to do a little exercise to give us a better understanding of our characters and to enable us to make character choices. This exercise consisted of us switching characters and reading the scene again as different characters. This enabled us to watch other members of our group perform our roles - any choices that they made whilst reading as our characters that we liked we could use for when we are these characters. We all took it in turns and eventually had the chance to play every character in this script. We then spoke about creating a soundscape here but we didn't get this far as we were focusing on character building and development.