Wednesday 15 June 2016

F(l)ight - (5) (Groups // Ideas)

Last lesson we discussed mine and Lewis' duet beginning with a section that makes the audience think that I am the victim, to then make them feel guilty by going on stereotypes to assume that the man was abusing the woman. We now begin our piece with Lewis sitting on the floor and me walking in towards him. We did a very basic hymn hand section to make it look like Lewis is authoritative and dominant over me. At the end of this section, I get up and run to the front to then sort my hair (as if looking into a mirror). We then begin our original section from this point.

After sorting out the movement for this piece we decided on what song we shall definitely use. We decided we shall use an Eminem song, as the other two groups have used an Eminem song for their pieces. We considered using "Mockingbird" as it is a slow piece and is about relationships, but decided against it as it mentions children in it. We suggested this piece to Rhiannon, Ollie and Robert as their piece involves a child. In the end, Lewis and I decided that we would use "Space Bound" by Eminem as it is a slow piece but still conveys the right atmosphere. We then ran our section a few times with the music to make it fit nicely. We wanted to make sure that our climatic moments in our piece fit with the climatic parts of the song.

After we all completed our sections, we discussed having dialogue in the piece. Lewis suggested having the victims say a monologue at the end of their sections but he then changed his mind and said that this would be too cliché and be too much like an advert. We then decided that I would say "I'm sorry" when I walk in, and Lewis would say "I'm sorry" when I walk out after spitting at him. When I say "I'm sorry" the audience would assume that I am apologising for doing something wrong, though in fact I am apologising for beating him.

When then discussed how we would end our piece. James mentioned mirrors - as if the victims were visiting their abusers, but we thought this would limit us as we couldn't physically touch each other. We then realised that we have an odd number in our class so this wouldn't work very effectively and we then questioned why the victims would visit their abusers?! We then decided we wanted to end in a circle of chairs as if in a group therapy session. We did not get round to creating this section but discussed that we would like to include chair duets.