Sunday 9 October 2016

Auditions (12) - Assassins Monologue

In this lesson we all performed our favourite monologues so far. I performed my "Assassins" monologue as this is one of my favourite two and the one I have performed less recently. To make a change, and to also see if we had the same opinions, we all gave each other feedback this lesson. This was really beneficial, as we could get a variety of different opinions, plus you learn a lot by watching other people.

Below is the feedback I received:
  • Pace:
    • I spoke at a slightly quicker pace than I have done before when performing this monologue, as my note from Miss McSherry last time was to slightly speed it up so it doesn't drag too much. She liked my use of pace.
    • Others said that I should take my time a little bit more to emphasise the fact that my character is on drugs.
    • Therefore I am now unsure on how I will perform this in terms of pace. To decide I think I shall try it both ways and possibly film them both, compare them and then decide which one I preferred the most.
  • Accent:
    • Accent was strong on the whole
    • Lost accent on one line
  • Repetition:
    • Charlie suggested that when I say "dirty-looking little elf" for the second time, I should say it the same as I did the first time, to signify that my character is so high that she doesn't realise that she is repeating herself.
  • Facial Expressions:
    • Convincing facial expressions
    • Do what I did before on the line "little elf" - screw my face up on "dirty-looking" and then widen eyes on "elf".
  • Tone:
    • Good on the whole, but remember who you are throughout. I have been told to taint the line "little elf" with my character. Although they liked how I said this, on reflection it didn't really work with my character. As she is high she wouldn't suddenly change on this line.
    • Liked the way I said "daddy kicked you out" in a different voice to show it was a different character, but this didn't work as it broke the image of her being high.
    • Either be sarcastic on the line "eye make-up or bombing in Cambodia" or act as if I'm trying to think of something. I am not 100% definite on which way I shall do this line but I am thinking I will probably go for the more sarcastic one.
  • Audience Consideration:
    • James said that he felt uncomfortable watching me, but said that this was a good thing.
  • Movement:
    • Convincing movement, but try not to be too repetitive.
  • Intention:
    • Initially I tried the line "God" as if I had just realised that God was the answer to my question. I also tried it as if I knew this all along. I've decided to go with the later as I believe that she has thought about all of this before. Also, the fact that she is so high, I doubt that she would be able to come to this conclusion in the state that she is in.

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