Thursday 20 October 2016

Musical Theatre (11) - "Tango: Maureen"

In today's lesson Cameron and I went over our dance from yesterday. Thankfully, I have found a backing track similar to the Broadway show version. The only difference is that the backing track has a dance break in it, however, I will be able to edit the track to cut out the dance break. We edited our dance slightly so that I was downstage as otherwise I can't be seen at all, due to our height difference. We then polished our dance and went over the bits we were struggling with. I also wore my heels as our height difference is so vast that some movements were genuinely more challenging than they should have been.

We then worked out what we would do during the parts of the song which aren't danced. We then sang the song whilst dancing. We found this quite challenging but manageable. We will keep running through this to improve our stamina and to make it easier for us and more natural.

At the end of this lesson I also quickly sang through "Take Me or Leave Me" with Alice to ensure that I remembered all of the harmonies.

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