Wednesday 19 October 2016

Auditions (14) - Assassins Monologue & Taking Direction

In this lesson we all performed our monologue that we will be performing on Friday. I have definitely decided that I shall do my monologue from "Assassins". After performing our actual monologues how we have rehearsed, we were told to perform them in certain ways without preparation. The reason we did this was because we may have to do this in an actual audition. This tests our ability to take and follow direction, to improvise and to see how versatile we are.

Feedback after doing my monologue:
  • Take care with accent as it wasn't always consistent. I know that I lost my accent on the line "like the whole world was dividing into two parts. Me, and everybody else". To ensure that I don't slip out of the accent, I shall keep repeating this line, and if I am still struggling, I shall find a clip of someone else doing this monologue to see how the line should sound.
  • Maybe lean forward on the line "who told him". This would make the piece seem even more conversational and would avoid me sitting in one position for so long. 
  • I was told that I was engaging from the very start and managed to keep the audience engaged the whole time.
  • James said that he really liked how I mimed playing with the knife at the end. 
First Re-Direction:   -   Upper-class British Woman talking to the Royal Family over dinner
  • Apparently this was very comical - especially the line "piece of shit". 
  • They said that I had a good use of tone and pace
  • I maintained my accent throughout. 
Second Re-Direction:   -   In an interrogation with someone pointing a gun at my head
  • Good use of pauses
  • Maybe vary tone a little bit more? Perhaps get a bit aggressive then bring it back down again.
  • Maybe vary volume throughout?
  • Convincing
Third Re-Direction:   -   Miss America doing a speech
  • Comical as I playedto the stereotypes
  • Vary pace more
  • Perhaps use pauses more
  • Good tone of voice and body language

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