Tuesday 4 October 2016

AAS (11) - "He's Talking"

To begin this lesson, we did some breathing exercises and some tongue twisters to get us focused and to get our tongues working! We then did some work on being convincing characters, to prepare us for naturalism. We paired up and had to think of a character that we would become to portray to our partner, and they would guess who we were. For example, I became a police officer and James had to guess who I was. However, we had to do this in mime to work on our movement. We also spent some time walking round the room, changing our body language in response to certain emotions that were called out.

Afterwards, we all worked on Scene One of our "He's Talking" script. We began by doing a read-through to remind ourselves of what is happening, and then we staged it. The scene is set in a living room so we put a few chairs in a semi-circle. However, to create levels some of us stood up and I sat on the floor. We worked out who would sit where by the order of everyone's lines after Luke says that they should go round the circle and say their stories. We then read through the two replays and wrote notes on the differences between them all. By doing this we could learn more about our characters.

James also gave us a sheet with Stanislavski's seven questions on for us to think about to be able to understand our characters better:
  1. Who am I?    Rosie. In her 20s. Used to be roommates with Sal. Extremist. South African.
  2. Where am I?   In Tanya's parents living room.
  3. What time is it?   Modern Day. December.
  4. What do I want?   To not be caught by the Police
  5. Why do I want it?   Doesn't want to be arrested
  6. How will I get what I want?   If no one rats anyone else out
  7. What must I overcome to get what I want?   Stop everyone arguing and all have the same story

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