Sunday 20 November 2016

Auditions (23) - Finding a contemporary monologue

We are now moving on to contrasting contemporary monologues, but will return to our classical ones before our performance. For my contrasting contemporary monologue I am hoping to do a comical monologue. I say "hoping" as I am not 100% sure if I will yet, as I am much more confident with serious / dramatic monologues than comical ones. However, I want to try a comedy one to challenge myself. Below are the two monologues I was deciding between for tomorrow's lesson:
  • It's Terrible Being Nice   -   Goodbye Charles   -   Gabriel Davis
  • I Ate the Divorce Papers   -   Goodbye Charles   -   Gabriel Davis
I decided that I will use the second monologue as it forms more of a contrast to my classical monologue. The first monologue starts with her being quite angry and she is very matter-of-fact and therefore too similar to the character Goneril. Therefore I will try the second monologue as it is more comical and the character is actually laughing throughout it as well.

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