Tuesday 15 November 2016

AAS (26) - PP&T - Progress

At the beginning of this lesson we discussed our set ideas. We realised that the drawings I drew in a previous blog (http://lornaclarkra.blogspot.co.uk/2016/11/scenes-duologues-24-pp-set-and-props.html) may be inaccurate now as we might be using two tables during our piece now, and not involving the little chest of drawers. We shall make our final decisions on our set in a later lesson. However, what we have been working with is just one table and chair (which seems to be working really well as it is simplistic and therefore makes the scene changes quicker, so I personally think we should stick with just this).

The majority of the lesson was spent doing our piece in small sections over and over again. The purpose of this was for us to learn our lines and concrete our movement. Holding a script when performing really limits what you can do in terms of movement and also takes away from the emotion. Therefore we wanted to do as much as we could without scripts to enable us to really work on our characterisation in terms of body language. By the end of this lesson, we were all off script for the majority of our piece.

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