Friday 18 November 2016

AAS (29) - PP&T - Style & Conventions

  • Believable Costumes: See blog post number 27 from this unit. I am wearing costumes that suit my character and give the audience a clearer understanding of what she is like.
  • Realistic setting: Set in the mental institute. We are not using representational props or placards, and are instead using actual props. For example we will use syringes, clipboards, bags etc. 
  • Scenes: The audience are put in Emma's shoes as when there is a blackout, the set changes - Emma is confused but the rest of the cast are fine. 
  • Conversational dialogue: Many lines overlap each other (e.g. Page 23, Emma: "yes, I know, I understand that, it's just"). There are also lots of fillers (e.g. "er" and "yeah").
  • Contrasting lights:  We have a bright plain white wash throughout the entire scene apart from when we have black outs. (For example page 38)

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