Wednesday 23 November 2016

Musical Theatre (21) - Random Songs

Below is the list of songs we sang in this lesson and how they went:
  • "Today 4 U"   -   Vocally, this piece was really good but was very static. Therefore we spent some time with Owen to give him ideas on what he could do. I also helped him walk in his heels and walk like a woman. The next thing we have to do with this number is do the blocking with Lewis, Cameron and Henri, so Owen can interact with them all.
  • "I'll Cover You"   -   Harmonies still need to be worked on for this number but the staging is really starting to take shape and thus their character work and relationship is developing really well.
  • "Will I?"   -   This piece looked good and sounded fine, apart from the ending. We still need to go over the ending of the song. We all discussed the ending and now know when we need to sing our final note, but we still need to actually do this.
  • "Life Support"   -   This number went really well.
  • "You'll See"   -   We spent a long time going over the vocals, first with the original track and then with the backing track. We also staged the number today. In terms of staging, all they have to do is stand in certain places and Benny move between them.
  • "Another Day"   -   For this number, everyone in "Life Support" freezes, whilst Taylor walks out of the freeze frame and goes over to sing with Henri.

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